Friday, December 10, 2010

Hiding files or folders in spotlight and finder in Mac OSX 10.3

Sometimes you require to hide sensitive information in spotlight from unauthourized access.

You can change and disable the search for a particular folder or files ilke word documents, power points, images etc.

Follow the following steps:

A. Go to Spotlight
B. Type anything inside the text box
C. Click on Spotlight preferences

D. Select Privacy tab
E. Select the + sign

F. Now select the folder fom the folder destination with all contents in it or individual files
Select Choose
G. Close the browser

Important points to be noted

1. Its not full proof as you still see the name of the folder but not the contents inside the folder. (Make sure you make folder in folder)

2. - sign in privacy is to remove the exclusion of the file or folder from spotlight to make the file or folder to be enabled back to be searched in the spotlight.

3. Don't forget to clear recent items from the apple logo

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