Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Friday, July 18, 2014

How to stop unwanted facebook invites

We all have been frustrated with unwanted 'Candy Crush Saga' or 'Mafia' game invites from your Facebook friends multiple times a day.

People have even put up status update warning friends taking exterme measures to ban people sending such unwanted invites.

So here is a way to still be friends and not get annoyed by such invites on Facebook.

You can actually block such apps by going to Facebook settings by clicking on top right little triangle and then going to 'Blocking' tab on left pane and type the name and select the app that you want to block.

You can also 'Turn Off' notifications by hovering your mouse on the app or group notification and clicking on the 'X" you will get a option to 'Turn Off.

You can also change the email notification settings on the 'notification' Facebook page to free your cluttered email account.

This has worked for me for past few years. Settings - Blocking - Block apps.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Deactivating active facebook sessions remotely

I see most of my friends on social networking sites like Facebook who become the victim of hacking or miscellaneous comments and pranks at times they are humiliating. There are even friends who keep on losing there cellphones at public places due to which they have to open a new account.

Here is a solution to log off the active Facebook sessions on your mobile devices and other computers such as office, public library, educational institutes or cyber cafe securely.

Step 1:
Log into your Facebook account

Step 2:
Click on the settings wheel on the top right of your screen.

Update - Triangle

Click on the wheel and go to 'Account settings'

Update - Settings

Step 4:
On left side bar click on 'security' tab - click on "Where You're Logged In"

Step 5:
Now you can see the active sessions on the devices. You may choose to end all active sessions or selected sessions with current active user session login.

Also read:
Lost android mobile phone 
Gmail remote sign out

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